Archival and Printed Sources

Prostitution Registers of the Dutch city Breda

An overview of Dutch sources can be found on the Dutch website  

Archival Sources

---------- Belgium -----------

Family Search

Felix Archief (Stad Antwerpen)

City Archive Brussels (Stadsarchief Brussel)
  • Police archives:  
    • general (regulations, posters)
      > request number: Pol. 280 (time period: 1840-1877); Pol. 268 (time period: 1865-1879)
    • bulletins des étrangers (Brussel): 1879-1885
      > request number: Pol. M.M.436 - Pol. M.M 448
    • reports suspected houses illegal prostitution etc
      > request number Pol. 281 (time period: 1844-1877)

City Archive St. Niklaas (Stadsarchief St. Niklaas) (link)
  • Modern Archive St. Niklaas (numer. 4420).
    Police surveillance brothels during 1858-1887 with... 
    • requests opening brothels, 
    • medical reports prostitutes and soldiers
    • organisations for criminalizing prostitution

------------ United Kingdom -------------

British Newspaper Archive (paid subscription)

Glasgow Women's Library

Internet Archive

The National Archives - London

The National Archives UK

---------- United States -----------

New York

Printed Sources


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