Pixxibook: make a hardcopy book from a blog

Can you make a paper book from a blog with little effort? Yes, you can. I recently tried Pixxibook.com and found the result astonishing: a hardcover book with all the posts from my Dutch Nineteenth-Century Prostitution blog. These are my findings in short... 

  • Hardcover book.
  • You can choose the colour of the cover and add text to it. 
  • Nice layout of the blog posts.
  • The paper within the book is thick
  • Easy to use (simply put in the URL of the blog).
  • Quick and friendly response if you e-mail them with questions.

Good to know...
  • Make sure the RSS feed in the blog is on default. 
  • Editing the chapters is not possible. But you can exclude posts from the book.
  • Videos get a QR code in the book
    An extensive blog post could result in 2 or 3 pages. The maximum amount of pages for a book is 300. If you have more pages, the content of the blog is split into several book volumes. 
  • When a YouTube video is included in the post, the book provides the image of the video with a QR code. 
  • Only the posts are included, not the other pages on the blog  

With 66 posts (120 pages) my book costs about 64 euro (shipping costs included - see pricing).   

So for those who love to read on paper instead of scrolling through a blog or for those who want to save their blog on paper, pixxibook is worth a try.


Images: WvdB (2023)


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